The association Perspektiven für Kunst in Freiburg e.V. is pleased to announce the appointment of Spanish-born, Germany-based curator Lorena Juan as Artistic Director and Managing Director of the third edition of the Biennale für Freiburg, which will take place in the summer of 2025. She succeeds Paula Kommoss, the director of the previous edition.
“For the Biennale für Freiburg 3, I would like to work with artists who uncover and question the global geopolitical entanglements and social power relations inherent in travel and the process of touristification, among others. The focus will be on the social, ecological and symbolic realities of ‘the South.’ I myself come from a touristified ‘South,’ and Freiburg embodies ‘the South of Germany’ for many—a popular destination both nationally and internationally.”
— Lorena Juan
In her curatorial practice, she works with experimental formats, public space and collaborative processes. As a researcher, Lorena Juan focuses on practices in art and activism that emerge from queer feminist collectivity.
Lorena Juan has curated exhibitions, event series and screenings in Berlin at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Akademie der Künste, Schwules Museum, nGbK and Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, among others, and has been the exhibition curator of the transmediale festival since 2020. She is co-founder of Coven Berlin, a queer feminist online platform for embodied affective research and hybrid artistic approaches focusing on the intersection of environment, migration, class and gender. To date, she has collaborated with artists such as Larry Achiampong, Sung Tieu, Patricia Domínguez, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Tianzhuo Chen, Ming Wong, Tabitha Rezaire, Anna Uddenberg, Anna Ehrenstein, Sunny Pfalzer, Suzanne Treister, Nora Al-Badri, Kandis Williams, Melanie Jame Wolf and Nicole L’Huillier.
Since 2020 she has been co-curator of Kunst im Untergrund, an open, international program of art in public space as part of the nGbK in Berlin. She has taught at the Berlin University of the Arts and the University of Hildesheim.
For press inquiries, please contact presse@biennalefuerfreiburg.de.
Photo © Judy Landkammer